Wednesday, October 20, 2010

80GB Apple Hard Drive Dissolution-Precipitation

Dissolving an 80GB Apple hard drive (October 2010) (IN PROCESS)
This hard drive was found in a trash dumpster in Palo Alto California. In this experiment I dissolved the metal components simulating the processes which happen in a landfill. The metal laden sludge is then "leached", via a gravity fed drip, onto watercolor paper. As the water evaporated the metal ions in the sludge oxidizes and metal oxides and hydroxides precipitate.

Hard drive wired up

Hard drive wired up

Hard drive in dissolving solution (vinegar, water and salt)

Experimental setup

 Water color paper covered with metal oxides, mostly iron, but the hard drive case is made of a manganese alloy.  

Nokia Dissolution-Precipitation

Dissolving a cell phone (October 2010)
This cell phone was found in a trash dumpster in Palo Alto California. In this experiment I dissolved the metal components simulating the processes which happen in a landfill. The metal laden sludge is then "leached", via a gravity fed drip, onto a canvas. As the water evaporated the metal ions in the sludge oxidizes and metal oxides and hydroxides precipitate. 

The metal components are dissolved using a process similar to electroplating. 

Phone after it has been wired up

Experimental setup

 Cell phone in water

cell phone leachate on canvas (1.5X2ft).